映画美学校アクターズ・コース ブログ

映画美学校アクターズ・コース ブログ



I strongly believe that as an actor if you can successfully pull off one of Hirata Oriza’s plays then you can achieve anything. Although I do not specifically know much about The Film School of Tokyo’s curriculum, I assume that most of these young actors are interested in working in film and television.  If so, the honesty with which these actors portrayed the everyday conversation and somewhat surreal circumstances of these young adults bent on revolution assures me that they will definitely make head way in their chosen field. The level of realism that this production succeeded in portraying shows how hard the actors worked to fight against their own personal habits and mannerisms and a latent tendency in all actors to overact everyday conversation. In particular, everyone onstage appeared to being paying very particular attention to the rhythm and flow of Hirata Oriza’s words. While I am no expert on “quiet theatre”, this production seemed faithful to the author’s original intentions and style. As a director, while there are different methodologies to obtain realistic acting, ultimately it is through the actor’s body that the reality of the play’s circumstances is realized.  In any event, I think that this piece was wisely chosen for this cast and it shows the actors humility and courage in presenting the text faithfully. For one, nobody tried to outshine his or her fellow performers. Although I was somewhat distracted by how young the performers were, the thought was only fleeting and I found the sincerity with which each actor dove into his role rather refreshing. I’m sure all of these students will make great headway in the film and television business with this production under their belt.


Amanda Waddelle1988年アメリカのテキサス州生まれ、2010年に南カリフォルニア大学の演劇学部を卒業しました。ブロガーとして去年のフェスティバル/トーキョーのブログキャンプに参加して、今は座・高円寺創造劇場アカデミーの四期生で、舞台演出を勉強しています。